The GPP comprises investments in two main areas:
1. Energy efficiency and renewable energy
The EBRD region has substantial potential for cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency and for the expansion of renewable energy production. The EBRD also provides credit lines to local financial institutions that are seeking to develop sustainable energy financing as part of their business. The Bank provides these credit lines for two key areas: energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy. Local financial institutions on-lend the funds they have received from the EBRD to their clients, which include SMEs, corporate and residential borrowers, and renewable energy project developers.
2. Environmental infrastructure
The EBRD supports public- and private-sector operators in the delivery of essential urban municipal services nationally and locally. Projects include water and wastewater services, public transport, solid-waste management and district heating.
The EBRD supports improved water efficiency by financing municipal water infrastructure projects, including investments in demand-side water efficiency. We also help corporate clients optimise water management through improved operational efficiency, product design and sustainable manufacturing techniques.
The Bank aims to identify bankable projects that help companies reduce their resource inputs and capture value from their waste. We also help companies find opportunities to reuse or recycle their unavoidable waste generation.
Our sustainability goals within the public transport sector include increasing walking, cycling and usage of public transportation, increasing the energy efficiency of urban transport systems and introducing the use of sustainable renewable energy for urban public transport. We also support municipalities in reducing congestion by financing active traffic management systems.
Examples of projects as part of the GPP
- renewable energy projects, such as photovoltaic installations, installation of wind turbines, construction of mini-hydro cascades, and geothermal and biomass facilities
- the rehabilitation of transmission/distribution facilities to reduce total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- the modernisation of industrial installations to reduce total GHG emissions
- new technologies that result in significant reductions in total GHG emissions, such as smart distribution networks
- greater efficiency in mass transportation, such as investment in fuel-efficiency (fleet replacement) or more energy-efficient infrastructure
- methane capture on waste landfills and wastewater treatment plants
- the rehabilitation of municipal water/wastewater infrastructure to improve drinking water quality and wastewater treatment and to reduce water consumption and wastewater discharges
- improvements to solid waste management (minimisation, collection, recovery, treatment, recycling, storage and disposal)
- energy efficiency investments in existing buildings (insulation, lighting, heating/cooling systems)
- investments to improve efficiency of industrial water use
- sustainable and stress-resilient agriculture, including investments in water-efficient irrigation
- sustainable forest management, reforestation, watershed management, and the prevention of deforestation and soil erosion.
The Green Project Portfolio (GPP) selection criteria and procedure
The GPP is compiled using objective and transparent criteria. These are based on strict exclusion and inclusion principles (see below). These criteria are reviewed regularly to ensure they remain consistent with our own evolving thinking and understanding on sustainability, as well as with investor and market requirements for green investments.
A key criterion in the framework ensures that only projects in which 90 per cent or more of the proceeds are directed to environmental purposes are eligible. The framework allows us to refinance existing projects, as well as finance new commitments that meet the eligibility criteria.
Apart from a positive list of the environmental benefits of certain industry activities (such as Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Water and Waste Infrastructure) there are also various exclusion criteria. We exclude, for example:
- the construction of new large hydropower installations (as defined by the International Commission on Large Dams, ICOLD)
- fossil fuel production and projects with significant consumption of fossil fuels (coal, heating oil, oil shale)
- biofuel production (pending the adoption of internationally recognised sustainability criteria)
- projects requiring a derogation from the Environmental and Social Policy for not being able to meet the Bank’s Environmental and Social Performance Requirements within the term of the EBRD transaction
- projects funded via equity, or projects that are credit impaired.
The process is a combination of automated and manual steps, with every project checked and signed off to ensure compliance with GPP eligibility and exclusion criteria. We review the GPP projects quarterly to ascertain whether they are consistent with the criteria established for the GPP.
General Bank and GPP exclusion criteria
Projects involving the following activities are ineligible for funding by the Bank:
- activities listed on the Exclusion List in Appendix 1 of the EBRD’s Environmental and Social Policy such as
- the production of or trade in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws or regulations, or international conventions and agreements, or subject to international phase out or bans (such as production of or trade in products containing PCBs or pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides, and other hazardous substances subject to international phase-outs or bans)
- the shipment of oil or other hazardous substances in tankers, which do not comply with IMO requirements
- nuclear energy generation
- hard liquor production, defence-related activities, the tobacco production industry and gambling facilities.
Use of proceeds
The EBRD’s Legal and Treasury teams have prepared the use-of-proceeds language for bond documentation, and these are reviewed and revised together with the eligibility criteria regularly. The proceeds from all of the EBRD’s environmental sustainability bonds are directed towards the Bank’s GPP. The EBRD also seeks to ensure that the bond proceeds can be directed in full to its GPP by limiting the total amount of ESBs outstanding to 70 per cent of the GPP.
The net proceeds of the EBRD’s environmental sustainability bonds are tracked on a euro equivalent basis and, in the unlikely event that the issued bond amount exceeds the value of the GPP, the excess funds will be invested separately in money market instruments specified in the terms of the bonds until they can be allocated to projects in the GPP.
Tracking the results of GPP projects
We monitor and evaluate the progress and results of all EBRD-financed projects (including the GPP) and compare these with the benefits that were envisaged at the loan approval stage.
Regardless of whether they are subsequently allocated to the GPP, all of the projects we finance are subject to due diligence before approval to assess their compliance with our Environmental and Social Policy and Performance Requirements, and in order to draw up any action plans that may be necessary. Projects are monitored over the lifetime of the Bank’s investment through self-reporting by clients and, where appropriate, site visits by our specialists and consultants. More complex projects may also involve additional mechanisms such as regular reports from independent monitoring consultants or staged disbursements dependent on the attainment of action plan milestones.
Regardless of whether they are subsequently allocated to the GPP, all of the projects we finance are subject to due diligence before approval to assess their compliance with our Environmental and Social Policy and Performance Requirements, and in order to draw up any action plans that may be necessary. Projects are monitored over the lifetime of the Bank’s investment through self-reporting by clients and, where appropriate, site visits by our specialists and consultants. More complex projects may also involve additional mechanisms such as regular reports from independent monitoring consultants or staged disbursements dependent on the attainment of action plan milestones.
To measure the impact of projects specifically associated with the GPP, we carry out a sample check of 5-10 per cent of such projects to gain aggregate and project-level data on the GHG emissions that our projects successfully avoid, as well as energy consumption. We do this to improve transparency and provide the market with a platform for clearer comparison among issuers of green bonds.
Further details on this aspect of portfolio monitoring in 2016 are provided in the Assurance section. Project-specific information (including Environmental and Social Assessment information) is also publicly disclosed, in accordance with our Public Information Policy. Browse our projects by ">country, sector and year and our ">Environmental and Social Impact Assessments.
Projects that we finance under our GET* approach are subject to additional detailed assessments during the development and approval stage, including determination of their potential for energy savings, renewable energy and CO2 emission reductions. This information is publicly reported in a number of ways, including ">individual project summary documents, the EBRD’s ">Annual Report and the annual Joint MDB Report on Climate Finance.
These processes extend to the implementation stage of the projects, allowing the Bank to monitor and validate that energy savings and emission reductions are actually achieved. Our monitoring, reporting and verification systems are constantly being developed. In 2014 we began a comprehensive programme of enhancements (see the Project monitoring section) which remains ongoing.
We follow similar practices for our investments in other sectors, in line with the progress measurement and monitoring commitments set out in our relevant sector strategies. Physical indicators are tracked and disclosed on a project-by-project basis. Such indicators can include public transport usage and the number of people benefiting from water and wastewater projects.
Our independent Evaluation Department assesses the performance of our completed projects and programmes against the relevant project objectives and publishes a summary of project outcomes in its Annual Report. Further information is available ">here.
Read more about our socially responsible investments and ">how we evaluate our work.
Environmental impacts of the renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the GPP
Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) projects account for 75per cent of the GPP. In our impact reporting we have only included RE and EE projects from 2011 to 2016 to ensure consistency in the GHG assessment methodology. The projects assessed are expected to have achieved a GHG reduction of 10.3 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) each year. 4.4 million tonnes CO2e of savings came from projects that used financial intermediaries (depository banks, leasing companies and non-bank financial institutions) and 5.8 million tonnes CO2e of savings came from direct investment projects. The EBRD’s portion of funding for the projects with intermediaries amounted to 71 per cent of the total project value, and the corresponding share of funding for direct finance projects amounted to 30 per cent. Note that because of the criteria applied to the GPP, not all of the EBRD’s RE and EE investments are included. Investment amounts and CO2 savings for the GPP are consequently lower than those for the EBRD’s overall investments in these sectors.
The EBRD’s portion of funding for the projects with intermediaries amounted to 71 per cent of the total project value, and the corresponding share of funding for direct finance projects amounted to 30 per cent. Note that because of the criteria applied to the GPP, not all of the EBRD’s RE and EE investments are included. Investment amounts and CO2 savings for the GPP are consequently lower than those for the EBRD’s overall investments in these sectors.